The Education System

The education system

I started a new painting over a month ago, based on a dream I had the night before my first day going back to college. The decision to go back was a tough one for me to make. I woke up on the first morning of class with a fresh image in my mind from the dream the night before: A school girl in uniform, trapped inside of a tiny dark box. Does that scream symbolism to anyone but me? I hope that this school year doesn't put a dent in my creativity. I don't know if, subconsciously, I fear that going back for a formal education will stunt my artistic growth. But here I am, anyway. As for the actual painting - I decided to make her look like she's contemplating an escape, rather than being trapped like she was in my dream. She is curious to explore, and tired of holding back. I am curious to explore. I am tired of holding back. Don't get me wrong - I love learning, and knowledge doesn't keep you inside of a box. It should set you free from it. I'm just confused about where I stand. And where I go from here.

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